Hoorah!! I’ve just discovered a new author – for me and possibly for parents looking for something for younger kids. Her name is Cathering Rayner and she is an author, yes, but she is the most stunning illustrator of children’s books.
Her books are about animals, really beautifully illustrated animals. They have unusual names and they seem almost human with human emotions. There is Smelly Louie who is a dog, then Norris, a bear who cares, and Solomon Crocodile. Iris and Isaac are polar bears and Ernest the Moose is a moose who doesn’t quite fit in.
Abigail is Catherine Rayner’s most recent book, which is about a giraffe called Abigail. Her favourite thing is counting. Her friends are Cheetah and Zebra and Abigail tries to count Cheetah’s spots and Zebra’s stripes but doesn’t quite manage it. All of these books are lovely and deserve to be read!!
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