I read Estelle Maskame’s book Did I Mention I love You? all in one go on Sunday morning. I keep using the word astonishing and again this book is astonishing. It’s set in America when the author has never been to America and it covers so many social issues in such a mature way and written so well. I loved it. It shows me what teens and young adults are talking and thinking about.
Ok so there are adult themes – and I am going to have to re-think how I feel about this re. books for young adults. I have just read, cover to cover, the Edinburgh International Book Festival brochure. The section at the back deals with events for young adults and most of these events are for teens and young adults from 12+ and a lot of the books deal with adult themes. The Sineater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury is one of them ( I’ve already written about this ) and the age range is again 12+.
So am I getting too hot under the collar about adult themes? Am I being ultra cautious? The Sineater’s Daughter is a beautiful book and Melinda Salisbury is a First Book Award Nominee. But……….. Parents, it’s perhaps up to you!!!
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