Marjorie’s collection of stories comes from many places. She knows when a story is just right and what to do with the skeleton of a story to make it better and to make it her own. Her best stories are to do with Scotland’s rich heritage but there are others from all over the world. For example,
- Fairies, Scottish myths and legends.
- Borders myths and legends and the Border families, the Scotts, the Elliots and the Armstrongs.
- Fishing boats and the men who sail them.
- The 1881 Eyemouth Fishing Disaster.
- Strong women like Mary, Queen of Scots, Lady Magdalen, Mary Bueck and Gwen O. Malley.
- Ghost stories and stories of witches.
- The Stewart Kings.
- The Douglases.
- Flodden.
- The real Macbeth.
- Culloden.
- Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobites.
- Shakespeare stories.
- War stories
- Stories of poems, plays and novels.
- Animal stories.
- The Egyptians.
- The Romans.
- The Vikings.
And almost anything you care to suggest!