I have just returned from a wonderful morning at Woodside Library where Michael Kerins holds a monthly storytelling event for children – and grown-ups of all ages. What a joy to meet with great storytellers: Michael Kerins, Frances Logan, Anne Pitcher, Betty Skelton, Dominic Kerins and Alistair McIvor and Alyson. And I was persuaded to tell a story so I told The Burnmooth Selkie Wife, which I love.
To think I was only there to collect 10 copies of Michael’s new book, weetom and the bank robbers. Copies of the book are in all of Glasgow’s libraries, all 33 of them, thanks to Dawn Vallance, Head of Children’s Libraries. I will be bringing my copies, all signed by Michael, to Eyemouth to share out so look out for copies in the primary school, the library and my Patron of Reading Book Boxes. A lovely wee book for 7-8 year olds who want to read on their own.
Also I will pop into the school with A bright yellow box for the Quiz answers. A few of you may have completed Quiz 1 and I will bring some dead dear prizes for the winners.
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