Eyemouth Primary School, are you ready?
I am so proud to have been chosen by Eyemouth Primary School as their Patron of Reading. It seems I am the first Patron of Reading in the Borders, having been approached in June by Jon Biddle, national organiser, and Katrina Lucas, Scottish organiser. The aim is for schools all over Scotland to have their own Patron of Reading who will visit and take an active part in promoting reading for fun and pleasure. I can’t wait as I am very hands-on and have loads of ideas for games, quizzes, contributions from children and parents. My blog will be up and running soon.
As a storyteller, I want to see storytelling and reading for fun dovetailing together. I don’t think this has been attempted before so it would be great to see Eyemouth Primary School out in front. I am grateful to the staff for the chance to do this.
In preparation, I am reading like mad and looking at all the blogs of Patrons of Reading who have been in place for a year. Exciting times!