A lot of children will be returning to school today after the Easter holidays and I hope you, and your teachers, had a fabulous time. Unfortunately, 9000 children in Edinburgh will not be returning to school today as their school buildings are unsafe. I feel so sorry for the S4, S5 and S6 pupils due to sit exams soon in the five secondary schools affected. They don’t where they will be sitting their exams. A lot of parents and pupils must be very worried.
Lovely new books have surfaced. Tim Archbold has recently had two new books published – Clarty-Jim Mccleod and Tappety Tam Fairley. Clarity-Jim feeds the catfish in the river but when Jim moves away the catfish looks for other things to eat and Tappety Tam has things to do on his to-do list before the Best Kept Village Competition but things begin to change. Elephants in the street and custard in the pond?
For younger children Ferry and also Bear’s Adventures by Benedict Blathwayt are beautifully written and illustrated by the author. Then in There’s a Dragon in my Dinner by Tom Nicholl with illustrations by Sarah Horne, Eric does indeed find a tiny dragon in his Friday night take-away. Finally, one of my favourite children’s authors, Barry Hutchison, has produced a new series for children aged 8 plus. Beaky Malone: The Awful Truth has a fun front cover illustrated by Katie Abey.
Happy Reading everybody!!
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